UC&CS Global

An independent member of UC&CS América

Also starting march 14, 2017, Gómez Lee Orozco Profesionales, is part of the international firm of public accountants, auditors and administrative consultants, specialized in accounting, taxes, international commerce, transference prices, corporate finance, technology information, exchange administration, etc.

Their headquarters are located at Reforma 222, 18th floor, Col. Cuauhtémoc, 06600 México, D.F.

UC&CS America (UC&CS which stands of United Consulting & Corporate Services) was funded 11 years ago in Mexico, Distrito Federal, when some partners of practices in Mexico, coming from The Big Four, realized that it was necessary to have an association of firms of accountants and auditors, internationally, in order to serve their clients beyond their borders, with the same quality standards that previously ruled the said Big Four.

Later on, the association continued its growth in most of Latin America, and that is how, in 1998, UC&CS America started to associate firms in Latin America, and its operations were clustered in three regions, for organization purposes:

  • North America: Canada, United States and Mexico.
  • Central America, the Caribbean and Andes: Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Panama, República Dominicana, Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela and Perú.
  • South Cone: Brasil, Argentina, Chile, Paraguay and Uruguay.

The competitive advantage of UC&CS is the personal service with the Latin touch, offered to their clients, in addition to the global coverage, in their own language, as well as partners that fluently speak Spanish, Portuguese, French and English.

The quality of the association is supported by the firm’s bylaws, by the strategic association contract signed by all partners upon their affiliation, and the manual of corporate policies.

Operationally, it has quality standards sustained by an Audit manual, a collection of the fiscal regimes in Latin America (TAXES IN AMERICA), a collection of the International Regulations of Financial Information, and auditing software customized for the American continent.

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About GLOP

We are a firm of accountants specialized in the accounting and auditing area, with vast experience in the field.

Nowadays, and due to the great changes in tax matters that are taking place in the country, it is essential to foresee the fiscal impact that will be reflected in the companies on a monthly and annual basis. We must understand that today, the federal treasury will seek by all means to collect the greatest amount of resources and, together with the world economic crisis that is affecting us, we must be able to handle with all caution such impacts on the finances of the Companies.

A thorough understanding of how the authority establishes, publishes and interprets the tax laws in Mexico is necessary to be able to effectively implement the appropriate processes and controls for the timely payment of taxes, and thus avoid problems arising from non-compliance.

On the other hand, most executives and leaders of companies, whether they are for profit or not, require to have a truthful, timely and understandable training, which allows them the power of "decision making", taking care at all times that they are objective and accurate, in favor of the objectives previously outlined.

Establishing sound internal control policies, as well as periodic reviews of their effectiveness, together with the proper training of personnel who are the source of recording and processing information, will eventually lead us to achieve the expected efficiency and results, reducing the risk of wrong decisions being made by management, due to the lack of timely and adequate information.


Approach based on the detection and risk analysis to avoid loss of money and fiscal responsibilities

Identify areas of opportunity and improvement

Increased knowledge of our customer to provide personalized advice and offer solutions or alternatives

Continued study and updated laws and regulations in real time

Biased and appropriate fees to the needs of the company

We add value to the company through the development of the areas of controllership, treasury and tax

Our teams are led by experienced auditors.